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The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the leadership aspects. The paper discusses the comparison of the leaders using the leadership theories. The paper is also a description of different leadership issues occurring throughout the world. Leadership is basically a process which helps the individuals to get influenced to perform in an effective manner so that the common goal can be achieved. Leadership is the process of influencing others in order to achieve an objective and work in such a manner that the common goal could be attained. Another definition of leadership has been given by Northouse (2007), Leadership is that process in which an individual i.e. a leader influences the group of individuals for the purpose of achieving a common goal.

It is the ability of the leader to apply the leadership knowledge and skills in an effective manner so that the process can be achieved. The importance of leader is acknowledged in any field whether it is an institute, organization or hospital. The importance of leadership is acknowledges everywhere.

Comparison of Leaders with the Use of Leadership Theories

The two leaders to be compared are the political leaders i.e. Barrack Obama and Abraham Lincoln.

Barrack Obama

Barrack Obama is the President of United States. He is greatly admired of his leadership qualities. The leadership of Barrack Obama can be discussed with the help of Trait theory of leadership. According to the trait theory of leadership, people have different traits and qualities which help them in becoming the better leader and have the best leadership qualities. Trait theory is comprised of different leadership qualities and some specific personality characteristics which are expressed by the leaders (Wofford, 1992, p. 595). The trait theory of leadership explains that a leader is assessed by his different traits. The trait theory of leadership is described as the best theory which can be helpful in analyzing the leadership behaviors on the basis of different traits and characteristics of a leader. As per Kouzes and Posner, there are ten basic traits which are used by a leader:











Thus, these are the ten most effective leadership traits through which a leader can be assessed. These traits can be helpful in analyzing the leadership style of Barrack Obama. The different traits of Barrack Obama can be used for the purpose of analyzing the leadership skills of Barrack Obama. According to the trait theory, every leader and the personality have different traits and qualities and it is necessary to identify someone on the basis of these specific traits and qualities. The effective leaders have different traits and these are the traits which differentiate them from others (Wendy, 2008, p. 213). Thus, the traits can be the biggest definition of the effective leadership for the purpose of identifying a specific situation. However, there is a great need that these traits should be effectively used in order to understand the leadership theories and leadership qualities of any person. Traits can be best use to define the effective leadership of Barrack Obama, but ...
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