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Leadership and Organizational Performance


In this paper we have determined the affect of leadership on the organizational performance. A leader focuses on convert others to help each other, looking for others to be encouraging and harmonious, and watch out for the organisation as a whole. In this command, the leader increases the motivation, morale and performance of its group of followers. Furthermore, qualitative methodology has been applied, secondary data has been collected from previous literature then it was critically analyzed and discussed.

Table of Contents




Roles of Leader6

Leadership Theories7

Charismatic Leadership7

Inspirational Leadership8

Intellectual Stimulation9

Individualized Consideration9

Leadership in Organisations9

Leadership Style11

Leadership Qualities12


Forming Relationships14



Leadership and Organizational Performance


Leadership skills are not best learned in a classroom or workplace. It is possible to acquire leadership skills from personalities already having traits of leading people in natural behaviour. The capacity to become a leader is present among all individuals, but each person has a basic skill that can improve through training or practice. The difference between a leader and a manager is that the manager is one who directs others in the pursuit of ends by means of use selected by third party. Leaders are the one who idealize design and begins with an assumption that the relevant institution and organization they work in need a replacement of views and generation of new ideologies (Anderson & Slocum, 2007, pp. 260).


Leadership involves the motivation of employees and members to perform normal expectations for meeting the organisation's mission and for achieving organisational goals. It inspires staff and members to put aside personal interest and work for the best interest of the organization and to have confidence in their ability to achieve the “extraordinary” challenges before them (Avolio & Bass, 1987, pp. 276). A leader has a major influence on the employees' behaviour and the people who follow him/her. It is a style of leadership that can be defined as a form of leadership that can create a valuable change in an organization by just motivating and encouraging the followers or the members of the team. This kind of a leader has a focus on making others to assist one another, it makes them create harmony in the organization and also encourage them to take care of the organization as a whole. It is the leader who motivates and improves the performance and morale of its followers.

Cardona (2000) explain what leaders can do to do a better job of managing. Some of these things include participative management, a healthy practice that suggests when managers manage by walking around, the employees benefit. The items that will help these managers become stronger include recognizing the negative, empathizing with the negative, categorizing the negative, globalizing the negative, neutralizing the positives, deputizing the employee, and actualizing understanding. Doing these things will help managers relate better to their employees and will help employee retention.

Roles of Leader

Leaders play significant roles for achieving the objectives of an organisation. For achieving the objectives leader guides the subordinated that play an active role together with the leader that is to focus ...
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