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What strategy will use to draft the Players?

Selecting right players for projects is increasingly challenging for businesses. There are different factors that should be considered while selecting the players for any project. The project should be analyzed thoroughly and the project requirement should be found out. It is also very important that what skills are required to accomplish the project as each project requires certain skills and all the players can not do it. hence the first step is to analyst the project and come up with a list that indicates all the requirement and skills are require, then managers can make a list of all potential candidates for this project. If the number of selected people are more than the required people then a test can be conducted to identify the best possible players for this project.

I agree with this fact that all the organisations require a planning tram, and this team play an important role because in today's business world the issue is not now how many employees are required for the project but to determine this fact that are all the employees contributing effectively in the project. With the help of a proper planning team; organisation can face project challenges.

Player motivation

Motivation refers to “the internal forces that arouse, direct, and maintain a person's voluntary choice of behavior” (Sansone, 2005). Motivation is often broken into two additional definitions, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is a motivation to engage in an activity as a means to an end. “Individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks because they believe that participation will result in desirable outcomes, such as rewards, praise, or an avoidance of punishment” ( Pintrich and Schunk, 2005). Individuals are extrinsically motivated if they view work solely as a means to a pay cheques, benefits, ...
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