Laws Of Employment And Discrimination With Reference To The Given Scenario

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Laws of Employment and Discrimination with reference to the given scenario

Laws of Employment and Discrimination with reference to the given scenario


The Laws of employment in USA depicts the factor of hiring. Before hiring of an employee, they focused on financial credit tax, business and service law considerations. The US head office considers hiring employees from local country. They plan to do business. Company employs an individual by giving benefits, deduction of taxes. According to workers insurance is also legal right of an employee. There is the concept of employment at will. This doctrine states that an employee has limited rights of termination and contract. This law states that an organization is free to terminate an employee at any time. Some organizations have accepted, and some has rejected these rights because sometimes unlawful termination will affect the company. The law regarding contract based job is in a contractual job employee is only terminated for a good cause. The United States department of labor law has given rights for employee wages and working hours. Employee should given extra pay for their overtime. There is safety and health law that depicts in an emergency company can help the employee in financial issues. There is also workers compensation as an employee can give compensation on his/her illness. There is also law for employee benefit and security as they provide transport support to the employees as to cater the safety of an employee. (United States Department of Labour Law;

Another law is of Anti-Discrimination law it states that an employee can be discriminated by color, race, religion, sex, national origin, pregnancy, child birth or any other comparable law. Civil Right Act of 1991 states that an employee can be discriminated in racial factors or harassment in employment. The civil right act also states that foreign based employee can be hired in domestic companies (Mckenzie, 2011). Discrimination are of two types one is direct discrimination it states that treatment of employee is unfair. There is indirect discrimination is neutral criteria is set for an individual. If the aim and goals are not achieved when compared it with the other person the indirect discrimination takes place., It is discrimination between two similarly situated people (Craig, 2007). There is sex based discrimination where women wage is different from men. There is age discrimination law the person who is above 40 years. There is American Disability act that is disable people have also right to work in an organization (

The termination is prohibited on following discriminations. Racial discrimination, sex discrimination, age discrimination and discrimination with disable people. The laws of termination play a vital role in this scenario. An employee can be terminated by his/her poor or dissatisfying performance. An employee can be terminated on sexual problems that might be harmful for an organization. The employees that are involved in other activities that are harmful for the organization they can be terminated by the law. The people at supervisory level has just to terminate the employee at any ...
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