Law Of Tort

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Law of Tort

Law of Tort


This case talks Susan, an employee of the Management Service Company K2MS and Mark, an employee of their client company ISH-BETH. At the head office of the ISH-BETH, the central heating systems in Susan rooms were being repaired and serviced. While doing their work, Jack and Gordon, heating engineers, had removed one of the leaking radiators and it needed to be replaced. The meant that there would be patches of water in the workstation of Susan and there were warning signs setup to make the workers aware of the threat. On her way back from the coffee machine, Susan was busy talking to Mark and did not notice the warning signs. She slips on the patch of water that is caused by the leaking radiator and this causes her to slip. Her coffee falls over Mark and it causes blisters over his body. As she was falling, she pushed some of the leaked water into the gap that was there because of the removal of the radiator. The water went into the electrical circuits and causes a short circuit. This results in the power supply of the office being destroyed and the work on the computer that had drafts of the major construction project is lost as it is not saved. The computer went off suddenly and all of the work that was not saved got lost. The IT team was not able to get the lost files and the rework on these files would take another week. This would mean that the ISH-BETH misses a crucial deadline date in the big construction project and would bear the cost of the penalty that is mentioned in the contract.

Susan and Mark are both taken to the hospital after the accident where Susan is diagnosed with concussion and her hearing is affected. She suffers from depression as she is only hearing 60 % of her normal capabilities. Mark's blisters are not high in degree but they cover a major part of his body and he goes in a state of shock. Mark gets discharged from the hospital but on his way back he gets hit by a car. Mark was in the state of shock and was a little unfamiliar with his surroundings which in turn affected his ability to foresee an oncoming car while he was crossing the road. He gets hit by the car despite of the evasive action of the driver. Mark is taken back to the hospital and there he is seen to be suffering from some fractures to this ribs, leg and arm. Mark cannot go to work for a couple of months and is in great deal of pain.

Legal Issues

The tort law covers any civil wrongs and some of them are the worry of interest of the state and so the police can implement the law on the violators in court by making a criminal case. In this case two civilians Susan and Mark were employees of two companies that were ...
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