Law Of The European Union

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Law of the European Union

Law of the European Union


All the laws and regulations of the world are basically made to ensure that all the basic rights are provided to all the citizens and none of them is deprived, which implies that these laws are basically meant to promote equality while bringing an end to discrimination and prejudice. This is to say that the constitutions and the regulations are designed in such a manner that there are no differences in treatment of individuals on the basis of their caste, race, color and the area of residence. It should be noted that the rules and regulations ensure provision of all the basic as well as secondary rights to all the citizens and also ensure that they are not deprived of any right on the basis of above mentioned differences. The law of European Union also works on the same principles and there are a number of clauses that ensure that the citizens are provided with facilities and services that allow them to conform to the laws and rules of the organization. It should be noted that although most of the clauses of law call for implementation of the principles of equality, there are certain circumstances that make it difficult for the concerned authorities to provide both the parties with justice and thus unique situations arise. The following paragraphs deal with two such cases and highlight the clauses that can be used for providing judgment in these cases:


Case 1

The first case is about a fictitious law passed by the European Union, which calls for all the copper wires, used in networking all over the United Kingdom to be replaced by the optical cables, by the December of 2013. An organization working with optical fibers, known as GB Opensearch has been assigned the job of implementation of optical wires as a replacement of optical wires throughout the United Kingdom. This scheme has been proposed and also checked by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and thus the same is held responsible for ensuring that all the clients get access to the facility without any discrimination. However, Bob, who lives on the Isle of Skye off the West coast of Scotland, is unable to avail the facility, because of the fact that he lives far from the main area and the sea channel between the Island and the main island has no capacity.

This case implies that Bob is deprived of his basic right, mainly because of the inability of the working organization to reach the individual, and thus he is made to use the same old copper wires. It should be noted that once the implementation of the optical wires is complete, the system would be altered accordingly and thus the optical wires would be considered the major carrier after that. It should be noted that once the system has been changed, the users with copper wires would not be able to make use of the facility and thus in that ...
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