Law Of Property

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Law of Property

Law of Property

According to the case study, Vanya and Yelena are the registered proprietors of the freehold estate of Silver Firs, a modern single storey house with numerous rooms. Phineas viewed the property, which was being sold privately, at the starting of July 2010. He was shown round by Vanya. Vanya, a talkative, affable man, clarified that the six people then residing in the house occupying the diverse rooms were just visiting and would soon be gone. Phineas furthermore met a child, Alexandra, aged about nine, who accompanied the viewing. Alexandra kept dancing around Vanya the whole time and repeating: “this is my house, this is my house” but neither Vanya neither Phineas paid any attention to her. Phineas liked the house and agreed to buy it. His intention was to construct upwards and turn Silver Firs into an Arts centre. On 1st August 2010, Phineas purchased the estate from Vanya and Yelena who transferred it to him (Ellickson, 2010).

On 10th August, Svetlana called round to glimpse Phineas and showed him a deed that comprised a promise made to her by the first owners of the land (in 1980) that only a single storey house house would be constructed and guide that It is a single storey house house with staff quarters and lockable garage. The plot area extends to about 0.3427 of a hectare. The building is currently let out as residence. It has four bedrooms, one ensuite, distinct bathroom and a cloakroom. This dwelling house currently has a conspicuous extension constructed on the east side. If this application is accepted it would add another conspicuous extension on the west side thereby compounding the all too visual stand alone characteristics of this property compared with the remaining properties on the south side which all follow a similar design and appearance to the applicant's original property. The proposed ground floor extension protrudes ahead from the existing north principal building line in the direction of the road with a sloping half roof joining the proposed first floor elongation along with a main hip roof protruding westwards from the existing top covering line. The visual appearance and design of all of this, which no other property in the street has, will look decidedly odd and detract from the overall look of the property and the streetscene. If conceded this elongation will have a contradictory influence on the constructed natural environment of the street. There is genuine anxiety that if accepted it will conceive an undesirable precedent producing it tough to oppose alike proposals. This submission has not been met by friends as evidenced by the number of objections connected with the need of any carrying district comments. Some of the north edge objectors cite their anxiety considering any likely alike additions being constructed on the south edge which due to their alike and conceive could very well materialise. Given the depth of feeling of some neighbours there is a concern that if granted it may have a ...
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