Law Of Nations

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Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law

Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law


A law for governing the nation state and relations with other states derived by Vattel on the basis of his natural law hypothesis as portrayed in excerpt 1. as the phrase “A dwarf is as much a man as a giant is; a small republic is no less a sovereign state than the most powerful kingdom” denotes the fact that it doesn't matter how big or small a country is it is as much as a sovereign state as any other large state, thus following this philosophy it is observed that throughout the laws created by Vattel, he has emphasized upon the importance for leaders to lead their nations in such a way that the people of their states themselves develop those individual qualities that are needed for the state to prosper and grow, Vattel has further emphasized upon this fact by highlighting the fact that people only themselves can create such qualities within themselves if they wish to and that it cannot be created forcefully, or through any other way; thus it is essential to follow the natural law and lead people in such a way that they grow the specific qualities needed for a nation to function properly and prosperously grow (James & Schall, 1991, p. 999).Sovereignty and Its Equal Importance for All Size of Nations

While discussing the concept of “The Sovereign” Vattel concludes that, when men in societies meet up, it is up to them to establish a sovereignty or authority which can guide a society on to the path of its aims and objectives.

The power and rights of the sovereign or the authority depends upon how well he carries the nation and his ability to guide and prosper the nation under his reign. The survival and growth of man I based upon his creative reasoning and thinking; thus it is the duty of the society to create the needed conditions, which are needed, for the development of those creative powers in each individual and thus the duty of the leader/sovereign or authority is to ensure the availability of those conditions. Thus, it is not wise of a leader to be surrounded by a bunch of people who make him believe that the population he is leading is basically a flock of sheep's, and he, the leader is their shepherd (Vattel, 1758, pp. 15). Vattel has highlighted the duties of the sovereign fewer than three main headings, which are:

By procuring the accommodations of life

By ensuring the defence of the nation against external violence

By procuring the true happiness of the nation

As of this when an individual observes that a well managed state is present to enable him to grow on his potentials and capabilities, he/she starts to think for the best of the nation and starts by himself/herself to devote his/her maximum towards the nation, in order to make the nation perfect.Constitution- A Need for Each Separate Nation

A constitution or a ...
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