Law - Legal Issues

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Law - Legal Issues

Intellectual Property Law


The term intellectual property is defined as the set of exclusive rights in the field of law that are recognized as a different type of creation of mind set and their creative abilities. Under this law, the owners are provided with certain rights over the intangible assets like art, literature, music and other kind of artistic works. Other to these intangible assets is discoveries, innovations, product associations, phrases, symbols, trademarks and design. The laws, which are usually, referred for this type of association in real terms involves trademarks; copy rights patents, trade secrets and design right for anything regarding any subjects.

This research report is the based on the study analysis of the intellectual properties in a holistic way. The main focus of the research report is on the case analysis of various companies that are involved in the association for this law. Further this research report will give the literature analysis and the concept overview regarding the application of intellectual law and its prevalence and significance in UK. The following analysis would be based on the relationship of case studies of intellectual properties, with the current application and implementation of laws.

The definition of intellectual property is defined above with respect to its association with intangible asset. In real terms, it is set of intellectual creations of the person or organization that are legally protected through the laws and policy drafted by the government.

For example, a group of people discovered some chemical or physical substance in relation to science or philosophy. This theory can be facsimiled by any authoritarian as his invention, without any proof or subjugation, therefore, making that theory patent in relation to the name of discoverer or the organization would be important to protect that thing.

The concept of intellectual property is divided into two branches;

The first branch, applies to the theory and creativity of mind. The literary and artistic property is mainly composed of the individual copyright, the copyright and neighbouring rights.

The industrial property, which includes the right over the property, on the one hand, and the utilitarian creations, such as patents of invention and plant breeders' rights or, conversely, a right of sui generis protection of plant varieties, and, hand, the distinctive including the trademark, the domain name and the designation of origin.

The common concept of intellectual property usually includes moral rights, which are the only right in the person of the author of the work that is perpetual and inalienable.

Intellectual Property and movement of economy

The movement in economy creates, manages and uses the facts for development of the country. This is regarded as a literal fact because, the Paul Roomer, a Stanford Economist Professor explained the concept in his theory of new growth as 'knowledge has become the basic form of capital and drives the economic growth today.

There have been many legal obligations and principals dealing with the association of the intellectual property law. The term was not under evolution unless 20th century and now it has become the most crucial factor ...
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