Law & Immigration

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Law and Immigration

“Ameer has been refused asylum in the United Kingdom. His application is based on a fear of being persecuted in Afghanistan based on his religious beliefs. Since arrival in the UK he has been diagnosed with advanced chronic kidney disease and is now receiving treatment in the UK. Ameer also fears that if he is returned to Afghanistan with his family, he will not receive the medication and treatment that he requires and this will reduce his life expectancy”

Ameer's case is one of the most occurring ones in the aftermath of the rise in terrorist war and extremism cases in Afghanistan and Iraq. Globalisation and immense high rates of migration between countries combined with the increase in awareness of the human rights and liberties have had profound effects on the world all over.

United Kingdom caters to hoards of wide diversity of people from all over the world. One indication shows that currently in United Kingdom on average, 1 in every 12 people were born abroad. Such high rates of immigration and shift of people's accommodation to the United Kingdom took the foreign other related issues to be modified and updated on more frequent basis.

Countries have to work in order to maintain and manage the flow of migration in the most smooth and safe way possible. United Kingdom serves and hosts millions of people every year including the people who are non-residents and the citizens of the state. With the increased influx of so many people crossing the border, safety and the protection of the people crossing the border of United Kingdom are the foremost duties of the government.


In order to fully understand and devise points for argument of asylum issues regarding the case of Ameer, there is an imminent need to clarify and put these terms clearly. According to the Observatory of Migration, the precise and legal definition of asylum seeker is that, an individual who arrives in United Kingdom or applies for protection as an expatriate or refugee.

Refugee refers to a person who flees his or her own native country and has fear of safety and security for reprimand in his or her country. The observatory also clarifies that however precise and legalise the definition is, these terms might change differently in various contexts and scenarios.

Due to immense high rates of the asylum seekers and hunters, the refugee population also differs greatly. People come from numerous different areas with varied preferences, choices and expectations such as Ameer. According to Crawley the refugees and the asylum seekers possess partial and incomplete knowledge of the policies regarding health and welfare. Subsequently, when they arrive, these people face problems of poverty and lack of cohesive social support. In Ameer's case, he was faced with the health problem which made him utilize the health benefits for the asylum.

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