Law Enforcement Collaboration

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Law Enforcement Collaboration

Law Enforcement Collaboration


Within the area of freedom, security and justice, police and law enforcement agencies in criminal matters aims to provide citizens with a high level of protection, by preventing and combating crime and criminal activities prevailing in the society. The concept of collaboration in law enforcement at the local level can be characterized as a joint effort by the police and the community to identify problems of crime and disorder, where all players are trying to find solutions to the problems. The base is characterized by mutual benefit relationship between the police and members of the community who can help solve the current problems in the community associated with crime, fear of crime, social or physical disorder and the decline of neighborhoods. Collaboration is a new philosophy of policing, which is based on the concept that creative forms of interaction between police officers to citizens can contribute to solving current problems in communities with crime, fear of crime, social or physical disorder and the decline of neighborhoods are related.

Collaboration and its Importance

Collaboration is defined as the act of working together to achieve a certain goal or perform a specific task. A number of individuals form a team in order to achieve a certain goal through effectively working together. This means that the group interacts with one another, come up with ideas, help one another so that that specific task or goal is accomplished. Collaboration is a very important significant act which assists in dealing with complex problems in an appropriate way. There are some problems for an organization which they cannot handle alone. They have to collaborate with others in order to come up with strategies and effective solutions for the problem. For example, if an organization is facing a budgeting problem can opt for collaboration. This will open opportunities for gaining financial resources so that they can attain more support and will enable them to achieve a better result and resolve their budgeting problems. If there is a complex client that has difficult demands and requirements, the organization can collaborate with the agency or company to provide the client with all the services that he require.

There are various advantages of collaborations which go beyond the financial problems. Obviously funding and finance is a significant component of collaboration but the information, knowledge and skills that are achieved through collaboration can result in the strengthening and improving the credibility to the organization. The collaborative partnership results in lesser services duplication along with a high impact for the community. This collaboration can enhance the capability for delivering more requirements of the clients and customer. Through collaboration complex issues can be addressed in a more appropriate way.

The main aim of the collaboration is as follows:

primary focal points for solving problems that arise in their respective districts;

primary sites of initiatives and community partnerships in problem prevention;

the hub for the dissemination of information and referral.

Collaboration in the Law Enforcement

Collaboration in the law enforcement is an ...
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