Law Enforcement Agencies

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Law enforcement agencies

Law Enforcement Agencies


Law enforcement agencies are government agencies that are responsible for the implementation for the enforcement of laws. The law enforcement agencies of any nation are also involved in providing first response to emergencies and other threats to public safety. They also protect other public facilities and the infrastructure of the whole society. Their main objective is to investigate and bring the suspected criminals to the court. They are also responi9sible in eliminating criminal activities and providing social and physical protection to people of the society.


Historical development

With the inception of various societies, many law enforcement agencies have also been developed. The most prominent of the police agencies was that in the era of Roman Empire. They had very effective and brutal police agencies to promote and maintain peace in the society. After that it was during the fifth century that the state officials were tasked to police the people under their care. London was the first to hire paid enforcer in the 16th century. In the 18trh century, a metropolitan act was passed, according to which the first proper police agencies was developed in many nations including America. The united sates have a system of police on the British form. After the civil war, policing became more Para military and they were given proper uniforms' and tanks. (Reiss, 1992)

Role of law enforcement agencies

The role of law enforcement agencies are described below

It is the responsibility of the law enforcement agencies to regularly patrol highways and roads. They monitor on the people so that they don't drive fast and recklessly. If any driver is suspected, they tackle him under consideration. In this way they protect other people driving on roads.

The officers of law enforcement agencies are also responsible for investigating various crimes and criminal activities. They investigate cases like sexual ...
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