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Discuss the Role of Magistrate and Jurors in the Legal Decision Making Process

Discuss the Role of Magistrate and Jurors in the Legal Decision Making Process


Magistrates and Jurors play an important role in legal decision making process of all cases ranging from minor to major. Magistrates are citizens of United Kingdom who are trained professionals and legal experts in different plethora of legal terms who then served the local community providing their valuable insights. They are usually unpaid members in the local community who work on for the welfare for their community either as part time or full-time practitioner (Denyer, 2008). Their cases are however limited to deal with less serious criminal cases and resolve common social problems generally prevailing in households and local community who includes minor theft, motoring offences, criminal damages, and public disorder. The magistrates play an important role during times when there is sudden spurt in those thefts and other aberrations leading tension to civil society (Sandefur, 2009).

Jurors also play a significant role in contributing to Legal decision making process of United Kingdom. They have important responsibilities of both as jury or judge and a citizen that he must exercise in order to make the legal decision making process more efficient and effective. Jurors however have more powers as compared to magistrates have as they deal with the criminal cases which are presented in Crown Court of United Kingdom and other civil cases which are presented in High Court and Coroners Inquests. Jurors' job is often assumed to be a very daunting experience for them as a jury because they carry lots of responsibilities towards stake of society, however many people as jurors find it interesting, rewarding and satisfying to provide justice to innocent and feeble in the societies (Neumann, 1986). Let us now deeply analyze different roles of magistrates and jurors and how they contribute to the legal decision making process. Further, a better analysis of how much of these individuals is proved to be advantageous and disadvantageous in contributing to legal system in United Kingdom.


The magistrates and Jurors are playing an extremely important role by bringing effectiveness and clarity inside the criminal justice system of United Kingdom. This section will determine the jurors and magistrates' roles and how much of these courts proved effective in contributing towards mechanism. One needs to evaluate how magistrates performs in dealing and determining the defendant's case in court solely based on his/her decision towards defendant's actions. There is also need to have a look at the origins of magistrates as this will help us translate how much of these systems proved successful throughout the history. The analysis will then evaluate how magistrates and jurors deal with the cases of assessing guilt of defendant's and how much of justice they can contribute in their decision making process (Davies, 2002).

The defendant who is presented before the court of magistrates is usually found to bring his/her case after being denied by jurors in ...
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