The technology is a boon for business but also involves complex issues of privacy in the workplace. The vast majority of businesses use computers, and technology has allowed employers to closely monitor almost every aspect of communications in the workplace that involve the use of computers and telephones by employees. In fact, many companies leverage technology to monitor how they use their employee Internet and email. The bulk of the extant research on privacy has focused on information privacy (Johnson, 2003).
Communication privacy is distinct from information privacy, which focuses on the protection of one's personal information. For instance, in an employment context, one's performance evaluations would be considered personal information. While information privacy deals with one's ability to control access to one's personal information, communication privacy deals with one's ability to control who can access the content of one's communications. While some research has been conducted on workplace e-mail privacy, I am not aware of a clear definition or measure of the construct. In response to that void in the literature, this section will attempt to define communication privacy, and by extension e-mail privacy, through a thorough exploration of the privacy literature (Miller, 2000).
The protection of privacy has become increasingly prominent as it has produced the development of information technology. A number of instruments of International guidelines have been adopted to regulate this area. It seems, however, that many practical situations in the workplace, for life private, are treated differently or are not specifically regulated in several American legal systems. Protecting the privacy of workers was the subject of discussion at the meeting of Judges.
At American Courts in 1996, but the evolution has occurred since then in practice and in legal matters warrant a reconsideration of the question. In the U.S., there is no specific regulation for the protection of privacy of workers, which is why any claim on the particular must be analyzed based on the general provisions concerning the right to privacy enshrined in the Constitution of the of US in 1999 and other norms of law. However, it can protect the privacy of the worker, but must distinguish each case.
Outset that the employer's right is not absolute and that like all rights requires a functional exercise. In turn, the worker, the employment situation continues to be a person and therefore, has all the attributes of the universally recognized personality in the various ...