Law And Globalization

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Law and Globalization

Law and Globalization


Some countries export goods that have not been produced in accordance with internationally recognized safety and health set by the International Labor Organization (ILO). These states will not only face unfair competition from producers in other countries, but also threaten the health and safety in importing countries and can lead to a dumping down. This form of "social dumping" can be revoked, referring to the provision of international trade law, which requires that imported products are regulated under the plan no less favorable than those of other "like" imported. (Relatif, 2004, 72 )

As soon as the relevant rules have been identified after a tortuous path as described above, the following question:

B. Criminal Justice

The criminal law is traditionally the kind of "special law" allows the individual states. May laws state very unfair ("extreme Utrecht) are accepted at all? If this is not acceptable, the crimes committed "under unjust laws should be determined at a supranational level and provides a supranational court. international organizations, both necessary given that national courts do not want to punish genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity because these crimes are committed by internal bodies is likely that the military government or the defense or not least, I do not want to be judged.

To achieve these goals, universal criminal law protects peace and security, and defines war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide as an international crime. The international community considers it legitimate to investigate and punish such crimes wherever they occurred, and although the victims and perpetrators are special courts were established by the Nuremberg and Tokyo, Yugoslavia and Rwanda, International Criminal Court. (Relatif, 2004, 72 )S. Government and citizens' relations

The third and final example concerns the law governing relations between citizens and government, and the particular process, the principle of legality. This principle dates back to 1354 to Edward III44 law and was also included in the Constitution of the United States. This applies to both the right to legal assistance and the right to a fair trial. In national legal systems has been widely applied in relations between citizens and government. Understood as the right to "procedural fairness", years in Italy, the application of this principle requires the government to notice and hearing citizen. (Danilo,1999, 204 )

The principle is now used worldwide. Three cases are decided by three different courts evidence of this trend in international rules of procedure. In the first case, the Appellate Body ruled that the state, where the restriction of imports from other countries for exporting countries to be heard, you must provide a reasoned decision, and recognize the right defense. In the second case, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) ruled that the government, which has hijacked the ship and the crew's passports are required to respect the due process of law and equity, to inform the owner of the ship and the crew and give them the opportunity to be ...
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