Law And Criminology

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Law and Criminology

“Women Rights and the Rights of Children”

Women Rights and the Rights of Children

Question no. 1

Analyze the International Treaties and Conventions that Country (A) has signed and being violated by the Practices, described in the case

There is no doubt that the country A has endorsed various international conventions and treaties, which are required to be follow by its inhabitants. Amongst those connections, it includes the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the convention on the rights of children, The African Charter on the Rights and Benefits of Children, The protocol on the rights of women in Africa and the International Labour organization.

Amongst all these five associations, the country has formulated a legislation that no child is allowed to work, until the age of 12. However, to counter this legislation, local employers have found a suitable way of getting the work done from home. The concept of home based work has initiated by the firework manufacturer, who contracted with the families to produce fireworks for them, and the amount of work depends upon the number of family members lives together, except for the kids, under the age of six.

The local business operators not only violated the laws of country, but also various international bodies, with which the country is affiliated. The employers also brought in the system of providing dowry to the girls, only after they work for 8 years for an employer. This lead parent to discriminate against girls, as they give birth to them and feed them till marriage and after marriage the dowry goes to the girl's husband's family. In this yearn, families started killing their girls.

Considering this case, the practices have violated the rule of convention of the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and the rights of children. The convention has raised the issue of women discrimination on the most basic platform, first on the political and legal platform, second on the professional and social platform and thirdly on the tribal and intra-family platform. The case of girls' mortality in the yearn of dowry is a social and intra-family concern, which is violated by various families and employers, who are principally the root cause of this social dilemma (Henderson, T.E., 2011).

Moreover, in the case of child labour, the employers have countered various conventions of United Nation, which address for the security of children's right. Families in country A encourage having more boys in their houses to get a bigger quota of work. This is merely to get more income for the family. Children above 6 years are forced to work on the manufacturing of fireworks, and sometime they even get disabled with the explosions in the raw material. The legislation for child labour is shattered by the feudal businessmen of the country that is no child is allowed to work until the age 13. The treaties of the country A with the convention on the rights of children, The African Charter on the Rights and Benefits of Children and the international labour ...
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