Law And Criminology

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Law and Criminology

Law and Criminology final exam


This paper will be divided into two parts, part A will discuss two criminological theories discussed throughout the module, and part B will focus on discussing a crime and justice issue published in the New York Times and based on the criminological theories which we have studied we will assess how the situation could have been resolved is a more efficient manner.

Discussion Part A

The two criminological theories which will be discussed are the deterrence theory and psychological theories of crime. The reason behind selecting these theories is based on my personal judgment that these two theories can help criminals refrain from criminal activities.

Deterrence theory of Criminology

The theory of deterrence is considered to be a psychological theory which aims at controlling the criminal activities and behaviors through fear of punishment. Deterrence affects criminal behavior in two broad ways firstly by increasing the certainty that the criminal will be punished for any wrong behavior, secondly the severity of punishment can also reduce potential criminals from restraining themselves from any wrong behavior which would lead to deterrence. There are two forms of deterrence; general deterrence and specific deterrence. General deterrence aims at setting examples for the general public in order to make them refrain from indulging into any criminal activities. Punishments offenders have to go through are set as an example which people will fear and avoid any possibility of indulging in similar acts. Specific deterrence is aimed at the offenders who will restrain themselves and steer clear of any criminal activities. The theory of deterrence has been established from the theories presented by Beccaria, Bentham and Hobbes according to their view point the theory of deterrence has three major elements severity, certainty and celerity. Since they believed that the more a punishment will be severe the more people will fear punishment and avoid any future possibilities of undergoing the same punishment again. Certainty assures people that for their wrong behavior they will be liable for punishment and lastly celerity which ensures that the offender will be punished as soon and he is found to be guilty (Onwudiwe, n.d).

In terms of the theory of deterrence and how they explain criminality at different levels, according to Summerfield (2006) deterrence theory has explained various aspects of criminology to begin with this theory helps understand criminal behavior which helps understand the motives and techniques. It also helps understand the needs which lead criminals to act in the way that they do which can help understand how these people can be dealt with in a manner which ensures that crimes are not committed again. Deterrence theory is applicable in varying levels of crimes which alter according to the situation and the severity of the crime in order to ensure that the criminal refrains from any future criminal activities. Capital punishment was previously used as deterrence since people fear death there was a possibility that people will avoid any possible acts which could result in such a severe punishment. The only issue with ...
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