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Religious Rights of Employees at Workplace

Religious Rights of Employees at Workplace


There is no doubt that the positive phenomenon of modern science legal and democratic legislation has been the development of doctrine and legislation on fundamental human rights, which has contributed decisively to put in the center of their true, legal reality protagonist: the human person, dignity and freedom to the dignity corresponds. Indeed, the law, in order, made by the set of rules and relationships that people organize social community, but there has been a growing awareness that this system should be structured and continuously improve bearing in mind, which is precisely the human person and to the foundation of social life.

Religion or Belief in the workplace defines human beings that perceive themselves as beings who spirited and whose spiritual desires are their needs, which they want to be energized through work. It relates to the experience about the real purpose and meaning in work that goes beyond the paychecks and performance reviews. It is about those people who share and experience some common attachment with each other, and a sense of togetherness within their teams or the organization, as a whole.

Religion or Belief can be defined as “the basic feeling of being connected with one's complete self, others and the entire universe.” Mitroff et al. observed that companies that discover themselves with Religion or Belief have people who do not have fear of their organizations. Also, these people are not likely to compromise their essential beliefs and values in the organization. These employees also perceive their organizations as being significantly more profitable, and they report that they can bring their entire selves to work, particularly their intelligence and creativity.

The Religion or Belief in the workplace is about employees who share and experience similar connection and togetherness in their organization. Studies concluded that the only way to which people can manage Religion or Belief in the workplace is by clearly and completely separating it from work. When anything is especially difficult to control, the temptation is always strong to relegate it to other realms.

Controversies about the Right to Manifest a Religion or Belief in the Workplace

The struggle for religious freedom has lasted for centuries and led to countless tragic conflicts. The twentieth century saw the codification of common values related to freedom of religion and belief, although the fight did not decrease throughout years. The United Nations has recognized the importance of freedom of religion or belief in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, in which Article 18 provides that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom to manifest religion or belief.” Since the Universal Declaration, attempts to develop a binding instrument on human rights, rights related to freedom of religion and belief have been unsuccessful.

In 1966, the United Nations voted to the European Court of Human Rights, expanding his preceding statement to address the manifestation of religion or ...