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Incorporation of European convention on Human right act in UK Law

Human Right Act 1998


Individual living in any country has certain important rights and freedom that are essential for the government to provide to it citizens, these rights are so fundamental that most of the countries have wrote them down in the special document that exits with the government and its protection and implementation is in the hands of the government (Allen, R and Hill, H, 2006).

United kingdom being the pioneer of human rights all over the world has its own human right act of 1950 European convention with the prime responsibility of assuring that fundamental and important right of the citizens of the UK are granted to them, the biggest disadvantage of this law was that its decision were not accepted by the normal courts and its process was too lengthy and expensive, therefore it the government of the UK drafted Human right Act of 1998 in the cabinet and with the approval of royal majesty in was implemented on the UK law on 2nd October 2000 (Allen, R and Hill, H, 2006).

After the implementation of this act it has enforced the exception of the decision that were made by the Human right Act in the ordinary court of the Country, the overall process of this act is simpler and quicker and further it has provided the complete information to the individual about the basic right and freedoms.


In this section all the important features of the Human right act of 1998 will be discussed in detail.

Right with responsibilities

Primarily Human right Act is implemented to provide existing human rights in ECHR a strong support, and teach every individual to respect not only his/her rights but also the rights of the other individual, which means that a rights of an individual are often contradictory to the rights of another individual, therefore it is imperative for every individual to respect the rights of other individual, further this right also educates individual to purely respect the rights of the whole community while doing their actions (Allen, R and Hill, H, 2006).

Prevention not just Cure

The implementation of the Human right Act has forced a drastic change in the process of the government and legal system of the countries as it has order all the authorities of the public to ensure that whatever work they do must be in accordance with the convention rights and they must ensure that every individual get their due rights and freedom (Allen, R and Hill, H, 2006).

Working of Human Right Act 1998

There are three basic ways through which the human rights act 1998 works, initially it requires that all the implemented legislation to be properly defined and explained according to the principles of convention, secondly it has strictly prohibited all unlawful activities of the public authorities and ordered them to work according to the guidance of the UK law and convention rights and if any public authority violates the described principles that it must be dragged ...