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Q. 2

a). Hetty can relocate their kids via section 67J of Family Law Act (FLA) 1975. This states the proper location of the child and related information order. Court is made an order for location order requiring; the information from Registry Manager and departmental secreratery or commonwealth concerned authority about the child location. Paragraph 1 and 2 are of section 67J discussed in detail. These are related to location of the child information.

Hetty can take various steps for Recovery of his children. Hetty can recover his children with the help of recovery orders which is discussed in FLA 1975sectios 67Q. Hetty has possessed legal right to go to court and seek the justice and relief from the court related to his recovery of kids. The court orders the child may return to person who is more near to him or her. The child spends time with, lives with or interacts with that person. Off course that person shows his mother the real guardian of the kids. Though the court has various other options like custody may go to his or her father or the guardian of the father like the person who are appointed by the parents for child responsibility (FLA, 2013).

The order of recovery notifies the particular person like Australian Federal Police (AFP) to start an action to recover, find and deliver the kid s to the people who are discussed above. But in this case, it is Hetty , who is authorised guardian of her children. There is no room to deliver the recovered children to his father. The possession is another issue; it can be further discussed via court. But as for this case, the recovered kids go to their mother i-e Hetty.

Sections mainly applied in this regard are Section 67J of Family Law Act (FLA) 1975 with Paragraph 1 and 2 and Section 67Q.

Everyone is bound to obey the court decision. No one can put oneself beyounf the law or rule. But here the court will issue the order in favor of Hetty. This is so because of ,the kids are more familiar with mother than father. Thus, the court will allow the children to whom they feel comfort and easy. In this regards, Hetty has an edge over her husband in the case of the custody of the children.

b) The Hetty will contact with the concerned authorities whose prime and main responsibility is to relocate and recover the children. It can do via following the section of 67J and 67 Q of the FLA 1975. Hetty may contact he common wealth countries via departmental secretary and registry officer of court. The state will contact the international immensity authorities or the states authorizes via diplomatic representative to capture and recover the Dilbert through Interpol system (FLA 1975, 2010).

C) Sarah has weak point to regain the custody of the children due to many reasons. She is living in ill area which might possible to take the children unwell. She is facing severe psychotic period which also ...
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