A person who work for society or influence the society toward betterment and made a community or society is called a moral entrepreneur. The two laws associated with the moral entrepreneur are first, the act must be defined as deviant by society secondly, it is necessary that the actor initiating an action is labelled as deviant in a social interaction. These are the two main laws associated with the moral entrepreneur (Law Society of Upper Canada, 1867).
Offenses of Strict Liability
The strict liability in criminal law, indicating that form of imputation of criminal liability that is independent of checking that the subjective criterion of attribution made ??to his author (in various forms of deceit, guilt and, even serious offence if the same is by out any part of the doctrine and the case law, traced in the channel of strict liability). Strict liability is therefore characterized the criminal act solely in the light of the anniversary of the causal link between the conduct and the damaging event.
The Liberalization (harm reduction)
At present, the question is usually responded with two answers: some seek to minimize the complications caused by drug use, others rather trying to discourage consumption. The first answer claims that the prohibition of drugs has been a dismal failure, and since it is impossible to prevent people from using drugs, we could at least ensure that they do so responsibly and safely. By contrast, the second response underscores the serious health and social problems arising from drug use and seeks to reduce drug demand and the number of addicts. In several countries and the debate has arisen about the possibility of establishing centres where addicts can change their syringes, or even take drug.
Divorce in Canada
The grounds for divorce to obtain a divorce, you need to do a divorce petition to court and prove that the marriage no longer works - sometimes called “grounds for divorce.” In Canada, there are three grounds for divorce:
You and your spouse are living apart for at least one year.
Your spouse has committed adultery (he or she had consensual sex with another person).
Your spouse has treated you with such physical or mental cruelty it is now impossible to live together.
A judge will grant a divorce without your having to wait a year if you can prove your marriage from the following facts:
Your wife or husband has committed adultery and you have not been able to forgive adultery or have not lived with him or her for more than 90 days after learning of the adultery, or
There was cruelty.
Section II
Contract Law
The analysis of a contractual law mostly takes place with respect to offer and acceptance. When it comes to an offer, one of the parties, which is the offeror, offer to the other party, which has the liberty to accept the offer or not. If the other part, which is the offeree, accepts the offer, then it creates a binding contract between the two parties. However, there are a number of considerations when analyzing the ...