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Internet and Media Law

Internet and Media Law

Internet is termed as the twentieth century's greatest invention. Internet has said to become a part and parcel of our lives. It has touched numerous aspects of our lives and it is not just part of our professional life but our personal lives as well. Like every entity has a darker and a brighter side so does the internet. Every entity has a darker and a brighter side to it and so does the internet. In order to tackle the darker side of the internet laws and jurisdictions have been made. Two major issues that have emerged in the horizon are defamation on internet and second being freedom of expression on Internet.

Regulation of Online Speech: Defamation

Defamation refers to the harm that is said to be induced to the reputation of one party by the other. Harm is induced via the torts of slander as well as libel. Slander is the act of verbal statements where as libel entails published materials. The distinction amidst the two is mandatory since each component is said to have a different since common laws are applicable to libel and not slander. Laws in relation to libel entail writing content that can be damaging to the reputation of a party in a malicious manner which is said to be communicated to another entity in such a way to induce harm which will warrant an award for the damages that are compensatory. Internet indeed has made libeling easier to not just a group of people but at a worldwide level. This makes the parties who are in communication as well as the party that is providing such technological means at risk. For one party, in order to file a suit against the other needs to establish the fact that such ...