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Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties

Securing America and Protecting Civil Liberties

September 11, 2001 was one day that can indeed be never be forgotten. It is said to be an event that changed the position of all the countries. America didn't realize that human beings could become so cruel and be able to conveniently inflict so much of pain and affecting the lives of millions of people directly and indirectly. America ultimately realized that war is the language that enemies understood and we had to resort to it. It was after the attacks on the twin tower that changed the course of America. America had to take extreme measures to ensure the protection of the citizens of America and in order to ensure effective provision of the extreme measures that were taken to protect the citizens from all dangers the civil liberties had to be infringed upon. Civil liberties are said to provide personal guarantees as well as an appropriate sense of freedom that the government at the federal level can abridge the judicial interpretation, law as well as the constitution. The liberties that were provided were said to provide the rights like the basic right to live a life that constitutes basic human rights like freedom of expression, the right to be committed/married as well as the right to have a family. These liberties also include aspects like the the right to be free from slavery, forced and imposed labor, the right to have a trial that is fair, the right to have utmost privacy as well. There is restriction of civil oriented liberty as it has been stated in the bill of rights that can facilitate in the utmost protection of the citizens of America from the terrorist oriented organizations. The first and the fourth Amendments have been ...