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There are many companies that are being sued for allot of reasons, both that are valid as well as in valid on a daily basses, however each of these cases requires appropriate amount of analyses and intellect to make sure the defendants are won. Hence forth, the following pages will consist of a report that will deal on the case that is in between the Great Event Company and the Band Namely “The Killer Butterfly” and the singer Ollie Murs.

I the following report, I will give an opinion or opinions on how the band “Killer Butterfly” and the singer Ollie Murs can be sued on behalf of the Event Management Company. The potential liability of the company related to this matter will also be discussed. Furthermore, a spot light will also be provided on the Bribery Act 2010, as required by Mary Burton and how corporate hospitality can be and not be considered as unlawful under the heading of the Bribery Act 2010.


To Mary

From Trainee

Date 20/4/2012

The following pages of this report will firstly deal on how the Killer Butterflies and Ollie Murs can be sued over the event that got cancelled recently due to the uneven events caused by the Killer Band and Ollie Murs. Furthermore, how these both parties are also liable for the claim raised by Mrs, Vanda for her loss of £2300 will also be discussed.

Killer Butterflies & Ollie Murs

As per required, both the Killer Butterflies and Ollie Murs can be sued and claimed for the damages that the Event Management company might bare in the future. These claims are mostly valid if not ambiguous and how each of them (Killer Butterflies and Ollie Murs) can be sued will be dealt in the following pages individually.

Firstly, the Killer Butterflies were properly contracted to perform on the event that was to be held on the 14th of April. Because of the loss of voice that was suffered by the main vocalist of the band, their presence on that event was impossible. It should be noted that, the loss of voice is not something that could happen suddenly, so it should be made sure that the vocalist was not on drugs or extreme alcohol intake knowing that he had to perform within a week. Furthermore, the agent through which the Event Management Contacted and contracted with the Killer Butterflies should also be sued and investigated on that did he knew that the vocalist is not well and is having throat problems before contracting with the Killer Butterflies in the first place.

Furthermore, it is clear that the offer made to the Killer Butterflies was accepted, hence they can be sued by the Event Management Company for the overall loss that has been suffered and will be in the future. However, one should make sure that there weren't any clauses within the contract that portrays that due to health imbalance the band won't be sued. It would have been better if a copy of ...