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What Constitues Law?

What Constitues Law?

The law is a legal rule enacted by the legislature , ie, a provision established by the competent authority, which commands or forbids something consistent with justice . His failure brings with it a penalty.

According to the Panamanian lawyer Cesar Quintero, in his book Constitutional Law, the law is a "rule issued by a public authority to all orders, prohibits or permits, and to which all must obey." On the other hand, Venezuelan jurist Andres Bello law defined in Article 1 of the Civil Code of Chile as "a declaration of the sovereign will, which manifested in the form prescribed by the Constitution commands, prohibits or allows."

The laws are delimiting the free will of the people within the society . You could say that the law is there for external control of human behavior, in short, the rules that govern our social behavior. Is one of the sources of law , currently considered the main, to be issued that requires the competent authority, ie, the national legislature .

Natural law is a normative order harmonic (or systematic) and relationships of interdependence derived from it, to which all visible beings are bound by the mere fact of existing. Within this are the notions of order, interrelation and harmony. natural law can also be defined as the law establishing the nature of anything to protect themselves from threats to their peace in their environment.

By law , the law is a legal rule supreme, general and impersonal, or the entity formed by such rules. Source of law , the law is today typically prescribed by the Parliament , representing the people and therefore holds the legislative power , the power to enact laws. Sometimes referred to as a synonym for law legislation although the legislation also includes rules which also provides general rules and impersonal, but the author is the executive branch .

In countries that have kept the forms of direct democracy , the law may be passed by all citizens.

Law in a broad sense is any standard legal. The law is included in the set of rules and standards in a given society. Law is often the generic term for all acts, wherever they are in the hierarchy of norms (standards constitutional , legal or formal sense strict regulations ...) If the law is not respected by individuals, it can result in criminal penalties.

In terms of its form, a law is a legal action taken by a specific authority, usually the parliament, which is legitimate and has the means to order. In countries with a form of separation of powers , the law is a standard legal adopted by the legislature in the forms and procedures prescribed by the constitutional law of the place. Its application can be further specified by an instrument made ??by the executive branch , such as an implementing decree in UK or a royal decree in Belgium , and will also be further clarified by the interpretation thereof by the courts ...