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Answer # 1

The laws that are being used in the US differ greatly from the laws that are being used in the other countries such as the other developed countries and the third world countries. In the US, there are laws for everything; however, with regards to white collar crimes such as money laundering, fraud, bribery, the rules in the US are different from India. In India, such criminal activities are very common and they are being practiced by the people openly, however, there is no such thing of checks and balances that is implemented to cure the issues. In the US, such activities take place, however, the cases are taken to the Court after which the culprit has to pay fines and experience imprisonment. With regards to the comparison between the law in the US and in India, it can be said that white collar crimes occur in both, however, the percentage is higher in India because such people escape from being caught by bribing the government officials or by opting for other means to escape from it (Friedman, 2003).

Answer # 2

Politics is a specific sphere of human activity in which the apparent differences between the interests of social groups, nations, classes, which is the core problem of the conquest, retention and use of state power. The most significant policy is a "unit of government. Politics is involved in the affairs of the state, the direction of the state, the definition of forms, targets, maintenance of the state. Any social issue becomes political in nature, if the solution is directly or indirectly connected with class interests, the problem of power. Political culture in India is stable; however, there are issues that occur at times. Despite of this, peace is maintained in the country which also ensures law and order ...