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The rule of law is very important and every country expects to comply with the law every time. If someone found disobeying the law, there are various punishment and penalties for it. The united states are one of the initiators of the current system of international law. The rule following has been witness in US since the mere beginning. It has utmost importance to obey these laws. The rule of law is a legal obligation which states that all the government decisions and implications should be base on known principles with minimum discretion in its implication.

Why Study Law

If success rates are experiencing quite marked differences according to the universities, on average, we find that the best universities (read: those who are most known), the success rate is about 30 to 35% in first year 40 to 45% in the second year, 60 to 65% in the third year and 75 to 80% in the fourth year. In the fifth year (called Master 2), the success rate peaks between 80 and 100%, which seems extraordinary, but this figure is explained by a very strong selection at the entrance of Masters 2 (the selection is usually done on record, maintenance and possibly a memory that each student must file).

Finally, the whole of a university degree in law, only 5 to 10% of students graduate from the fourth year (Master 1) without repeating and only 4 to 5% manage to graduate from the Master output of 5 years of study. In other words, when you enter an amphitheater of 1,000 students in the first year of law school the day of the academic year, you can predict without risk of too much go wrong that only a hundred of them will get the diploma of the fourth year without knowing failure and only a small fifty happen to get a Master's degree. Despite these minor annoyances, I can only encourage you to begin the great adventure of legal studies for the benefits received are clearly outweighing the disadvantages. I strongly believe that law should be complied and respected. This field has always been fascinating for me and this quest has influenced me to pursue my education and career in the field of Law.

Among the various benefits of the law, we may first mention the diversity of opportunities. The right is probably the field of study that offers the greatest potential in terms of business (see the "legal profession"). Better, within a single legal profession, it is often possible to perform very different functions (and a magistrate may alternatively be judge, district judge, juvenile court, family court, penalty enforcement judge, prosecutor...). Moreover, even if you do not ultimately embrace a purely legal profession, having some years of law on his resume is still very popular with recruiters who have a law degree is often a quality and a guarantee of competence. While many employers criticize the side sometimes too rigid and "chilly" lawyers, most recognize that they are still very useful ...