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The law has great importance in different societies around the world, and it is significantly important factor for selecting Law as a profession. Therefore, this paper attempts to describe my interest towards the study of Law as why law is important? What made me to choose law in the first place? How did I come up with this subject and not any other subject? And what made law appealing as opposed to me in choosing any other subject? However, before going for further discussion it is important to know about the definition and nature of law. The law is the set of rules imposed on members of a society for their social relations beyond the arbitrariness and violence of individuals and are consistent with the prevailing ethos. These abstract rules and indicate the mandatory "must be done", the "rights and duties" incumbent upon the participating actors in a given situation. These rules are resulting from the existence of a higher source as the natural right or a religious charter, or arising from use recognized and accepted customary law or are enacted and dedicated as written law by an official body responsible for governing the organization and conduct of social relations.

Why Law?

Justice is a foundation stone of our country. Its objective is to have ability to ensure a balance between prevention; penalties, repair and protection of individual liberties, which are at the heart of the functioning of society. It is a bulwark that protects people, ensuring the rules of coexistence, rights and duties of each, therefore, the conditions for a peaceful society and is a response to the legitimate demand for security of the citizens. It is common to hear that the roads are in fact more effective than the right. While some cases may support such a thesis immediatist, led a group of people that way is doomed to insecurity, violence, misery and desolation, that condition "miserable, unhappy and sad" which was sunk by Hobbes the human species before the establishment of the law. In fields planted with insecurity and distress can not germinate progress, peace, prosperity, happiness. The rule of law, the "rule of law" is required even for economic progress. Also for equality, is a bulwark against the oppression of the weak by the strong. Secondly, the statement of the Act is widely published on certain accessibility that the Act can be guaranteed-if necessary-by the use of restraints and organized under it or by any procedure of arbitration agreed by the parties or by the State or by a specialized application of the principle of subsidiary or jurisdiction specific.

The selection of law as a subject has various reasons. It is common to hear that the roads are in fact more effective than the right. While in some cases many support such thesis immediately, which led a group of people that way is doomed to insecurity, violence, misery and desolation. It also resulted in conditions which are miserable, unhappy and sad, which was sunk by Hobbes the human species before ...