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It is the work of the police to protect and serve the people of the United States of America and most police officers perform this function properly. However, some police officers do not. Unfortunately, there are people who have been victims of police abuse and as a result want to take legal action against the police department and the state. If you believe you have been a victim of police misconduct, it is important that you consult an experienced attorney in relation to the police brutality, who understands your needs and concerns, can guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit and help protect the rights of the civilians. A police brutality lawyer is particularly important because a notice of claim must be presented to the state within 90 days of the incident (Samaha, 2010). This paper would focus on the identifying and describing two limits placed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1983 actions against state and local officers.


Police brutality occurs when a police officer uses excessive force (more force than strictly necessary) against an individual. Examples of excessive force can vary from physically hitting an individual during the course of an arrest, if you did not resist arrest, beat you and / or verbal attack once they have been handcuffed or restrained. Determining if an excessive force is used depends on whether there is a need for a high level of force to be used, if the force used to keep control, or any other factor. Excessive use of force is a violation of the civil rights. If a police officer used excessive force against you or you believe you have been a victim of police brutality, it is important to take action and call a police brutality lawyer who can represent you and fight for your rights ...