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Legislation Process and Judiciary in Westminster Parliament

Legislation Process and Judiciary in Westminster Parliament

Process of Legislation

The bill (bill) may be introduced by either House of Parliament. By their nature, projects are divided into public (Public Bills) and private (Private Bills), i.e. not having national importance. There are also so-called (Hybrid Bills), which are of national importance, but also directly affect only a single region of the country, such as bills on the construction of Eurotunnel.

The bills submitted by the ordinary members of parliament (Private Members) are called Private Members' Bills, and they are usually paid a lot less time and attention.

In addition, the bill could make the right individuals or organizations - as a rule, such a project is private. If someone thinks that the private bill directly affects (especially and directly affects) his interests, he may appeal to the Parliament with a petition to then present their views to the design committee.

During the formal 1st reading only read out the title of the bill. Not less than 2 weeks the bill passes 2nd reading: the ruling party and opposition have expressed their views on the document. Then passes the vote, and the bill goes to committee.

Each bill is assigned a separate committee - most of them have the status of the Committee on Public Bills (Public Bill Committee) and are called according to the project under consideration, such as the Committee on the bill on climate (Climate Bill Committee). The distribution of forces in the Committee on Public Bills reflects the distribution of seats among parties across the Chamber (Miller, 2005, pp. 56).

Committee meets to discuss the draft article by article, and adopt amendments if desired, bring to a discussion of interest groups and experts. Of all the proposed amendments chairman of the committee selects the most important, in his opinion, and they only go for further discussion.

Passage through a committee of the project depends on the controversy, and may take several minutes to several months, and bills to finance the budget (Consolidated Fund Bills) never sent to the committees. Upon completion of its work, the committee prepares a report and submits it to the Chamber.

The few, the most important bills (usually government) are considered in the Committee of the whole House (Committee of the Whole House), where the discussion involving all members of the Commons, but on the procedure for the committee. This allows the Government to carry out the project is particularly fast. The committee also discussed the whole house bills of constitutional importance or projects that do not cause controversy. Sometimes the whole House Committee considers part of the project, and the remaining sections come to the Committee on Public Bills - so do normally with the budget.

At this stage, members of the House meet to discuss the committee version of the bill and consider any further amendments.

During consideration of the report (usually immediately) that the third reading. Members of parliament for the last time ready to discuss the bill, but not change ...