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Information sheet and Civil claim

Information sheet and Civil claim

Task 1

Difference between Civil Law and Criminal Law

The civil law is that which regulates the private relations of citizens among themselves. This is the set of legal rules governing the personal ties between private persons or property, whether physical or legal entities, both private and public sectors. It aims to protect the interests of the person in the moral and economic.

On the other hand, Criminal law is the branch of law that establishes and regulates the punishment of crimes or offenses, through the imposition of certain penalties (such as confinement in prison, for example). It is possible to distinguish between criminal objective, which relates to criminal legal norms themselves, subjective and criminal law, which provides for the imposition of a penalty to those who update the cases provided for by criminal law goal.

Provided there are two fundamental principles disputes in civil law and criminal law. First of all these rights have two different functions: Civil law intended to control, arbitration, fairness, and relationships between individuals. The criminal law is to maintain public order, security of persons and property, and the values?of society.

From there civil and criminal law in different ways and principles come into play. The idea of ??civil law is that the relationships between people create mutual obligations between them. These relationships can be voluntary (a contract, e.g. get marriage) the circumstances (to be neighbourly, use of a common good) or inferred (an accident with a third party). Whatever the case, these relationships are the basis of mutual obligations. Ideally the relationship should be good enough and there should be no need of having to resort to judicial intervention. This is very common: for example, the vast majority of car accidents are settled by mutual agreement. By cons, if things go "wrong" that a party aggrieved by an unequal relationship, or the parties cannot agree on their mutual obligations, then the civil law can be referred to arbitration. Civil law is a law of the arbitration, the settlement of disputes, repair or conciliation.

The idea of ??criminal law is that a company needs a minimum of order, so to certain rules. In a perfect world everyone would recognize these rules as necessary for the common good and respect naturally. Criminal law considers that in the real world, it is inevitable to use a minimal repression to induce compliance with rules. For these rules to be followed by all it is necessary to codify them, write them and make them public. Criminal law is a repressive law, a law of punishment (hence its name) and deterrence.

Civil law includes private lawsuits among two or more parties. The examples of civil cases can include business conflicts/disputes and personal injury. On the contrary, Criminal case is an issue between the federal government or the state and an individual or any organization, which is assumed to have committed an act, which according to the law is declared as a ...