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The strategic management plays an important role in the growth of the organizations. The leadership qualities are very similar to the strategic management and can be linked in different ways. As the organizational decisions affect its performance, the styles of management and leadership greatly affects the strategic decisions. The styles of leadership can be adapted to different situations by analysing the organizational conditions, its tasks and the targets. The styles of leadership play an important role in the organisational planning and development. The theories of the management and the leadership greatly affect the organisational strategy. The leadership and the management theories have directed the organizational strategy for long time in various organizations. There have been designed various leadership strategies that supported the organizational direction in many ways. However, there has been specified the leadership strategies that supports the direction of the organization in every manner. With the passage of time, the requirements for the leaders have also been completely changes. Now the leaders are not only there to lead their members but also to direct them, motivating them and polish their capabilities (Barry, 2001).


Strategic Management and Leadership

We must make a clear distinction between the mission of an organization and its goals. This is essential because it is here to mark the difference between experience (what one does) and purpose (what we want to happen). The distance between these two dimensions has been considerably restricted, particularly in organizations (Blasé, 2005, Pp. 32) (Barry, 2001).

The mission of an organization defines its purpose. It sets out the reasons for the existence of the organization, its purpose and identity. She is the inspiration for the organization, its ink, its benchmark. The mission of the organization goes beyond people who directs or in part because it is not an end of action. The objectives for their part are steps, ways to enable the organization to work for the achievement of the goal or mission (Beck & Joseph, 2001, Pp. 154).

The goals are an end of action, the fact that they were achieved or not are evaluated. They have a time limit; they are the choice of organization to fulfill its mission in a defined period of time, taking into account its environment and its resources. The companies are the organizations most prey to confuse these two things. They evolve in a changing environment and competitive with frequent changes in leadership. Arriving at the head of a company, a leader receives a mission as objectives in a given period of time. It will define what will be under its mandate, the mission of the company .

This is not an end in the sense we understand it in our definition, but a goal from other goals. Unfortunately, this type of administration is particularly harmful to the company, especially for its identity in order to find out the confusion in the purposes (Ring & Perry, 2001, Pp. 276).

Impact of Management and Leadership Styles on Strategic Decisions

There is evidence that leadership style affects the ...
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