Language Of Health Informatics

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Language of Health Informatics

Language of Health Informatics

Health informatics has been greatly developed in U.S. Significant resources were committed to construct and improve the healthinformation system. Approximately 35-40% of clinics have assembled clinic data system. Over 80% of medical organizations above the county/district level, 27% of town level hospitals and all CDC above the county/district level can transmit real-time epidemic situation reporting through public healthinformation system. However, lack of measures became a bottleneck to utilize and advance wellbeing informatics. U.S has adopted some vocabulary, classification, coding standards and message standards. Moreover, several national standardization actions for health informaticshave been taken. In the process of standardization, the main barriers consist of financial, technical, cultural and languageproblems, legal and ethical concerns and others(Goossen, 1996, 12).

Currently, each hospital center maintains hard copy files and records of patients who are managed separately and stored at each facility. Very few of the electronic information systems are integrated between the various centers and locations. To add to the challenge, CIO reports that most committee members have very limited experience with information systems and databases. Nevertheless, the IT director know that you are studying health informatics, so she asked you to help familiarize the Committee with the fundamental concepts associated with database systems and standards of health information(Goossen, 1991 , pp. 690).

In US, The main barriers in standardization for previous termhealth informaticsnext term consist of financial, technical, cultural and previous termlanguagenext term problems (terminology), legal and ethical concerns (privacy and security) and many others, such as the impact of copyright and proprietary issues on the implementation of foreign standards.

Financial issue is habitually significant to do everything in a evolving country. Central government one-off funds are crucial for developing previous termhealth informaticsnext term standards and may provide a model for setting up new incentive ...
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