Language Description

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Language Description and Application to the classroom

Language Description and Application to the classroom


The morpheme is the smallest unit of morphological analysis, since it can not be decomposed into smaller morphological signs (yes phonological). Some authors identify the concept of morpheme to morpheme. Grammatical morphemes are the units that constitute the variable part of the word and are responsible for expressing grammatical relations and do not alter the basic referential meaning of a word. Usually they are not autonomous and its appearance is not optional but is subject to grammatical constraints.

In morphology , a morpheme (grammar) is a morpheme dependent, ie, the minimal fragment capable of expressing meaning (and reference if you are also bound to a non-dependent morpheme or lexeme ). Some authors simply use the word morpheme to denote any type of morpheme, regardless of whether it refers to a morpheme-dependent or not dependent. The morpheme is the variable part of the word. Thus we say that, grammatically, the word has two types of morphemes , lexemes and morphemes (grammatical). The morpheme, grammatical value, is always associated with the lexeme, semantic value. Both can be decomposed into smaller units: the phonemes that have no grammatical or semantic meaning, and are the smallest units of the phonology.


Arguably, the morpheme is the variable part of a word, which is made from the standpoint of grammatical morphemes and lexemes by. The grammatical morpheme adds value and is always associated with the lexeme, which has semantic value. Both the morpheme as the lexeme can be broken down into phonemes, the smallest units of phonology that have no meaning (either grammatical or semantic). Between morphemes, we can distinguish several types according to how they are attached to the word (Binger, Maguire-Marshall & Kent-Walsh, 2011).

Independent morphemes or clitics , which allow some independence phonological lexeme. This type of morphemes allow insertion between him and the lexeme of other morphemes and words, do not cause certain sound changes, demonstrating the presence of a barrier to such changes, and so on. In Spanish, clitics or independent these morphemes are composed of elements such as determining the prepositions and conjunctions . The personal pronoun "se" is a clear example of clitic morpheme in terms of phonetic independence: the case {} {-vay-a-} {is} / {vay-} {-a-} {-n-} {is}, clearly shows the number morpheme insertion before the clitic (Murphy & Hayes, 2010). Dependent morphemes or bound morphemes, however, are always attached to another morpheme to complete its meaning. There are two subtypes of dependent morphemes: the derivative (which add nuances to the meaning and act on different semantic fields) and inflections (accidents and indicate grammatical relations). Dependent or bound morphemes, are joined or fused to another morpheme to complete its meaning. In certain cases lead to changes of accent, phonetic changes in the adjacent phonemes can appear only in a specific sequential order, not allowing the filing of certain elements between them and the adjacent root or morpheme (Jingxia & Jeeyoung, ...
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