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Language Change

Language Change


This work has as main goal the concept of advertising, considering the historical aspects and features of each activity in magazines. It is found in practice that the designations advertising agency and ad agency are used interchangeably, as do the terms propaganda and advertising. However this does not happen with the name propagandist, which is not equivalent to advertising because it is popularly devoted to identifying the pharmaceutical representative who acts on promotion of products by the medical community. Since the Industrial Revolution, influenced by the development of commercial and diversification of production, the concepts of advertising and marketing is confused (Gisbergen, Ketelaar & Beentjes, 2004, pp. 2-11). Therefore, it is conceptualize differently relevant advertising, to the extent that activities are distinct and different characteristics of language. It is important to note the distinction and demarcation conceptual dissonance communication to avoid wastage caused by bad posts directed not to consider in designing the initial campaign, the basic difference, i.e., the advertising appeals to the instinct of preservation, feelings of comfort, pleasure, etc.


Advertisments have a significant importance and scope, both in terms of economic activity these days, either as a privileged instrument of promoting competition, always beneficial for companies and their customers. For that reason they, framing the matter as large motor activity advertising market, while dynamic vehicle of its potential and its diversity and, in this perspective, as positive and beneficial activity in the development process of a country.

In keeping with this goal, the advertising activity cannot be seen in a modern and developed society, as a lesser evil, which is tolerated but not encouraged, much less as a result of any state of necessity. However, the receptivity that beneficial in people's daily lives, whether it confers on the one hand, increased importance, nevertheless; moreover, cause a natural and progressive responsibility in perspective, equally deserving of attention, protection and consumer protection and their legitimate expectations (Al-Olayan & Karande, 2000, pp. 69-82).

In fact, a responsible society cannot fail also to predict and consider setting minimum standards, the lack of which, may consummate situations rights of the citizen consumer, would in practice undermine the very intrinsic merit and advertising activity.

The advertising activity began in classical antiquity, which is the first traces, as shown tablets discovered in Pompeii. The tablets, in addition to announce gladiatorial combats were several references to the existing bathrooms city. At this stage, the advertisement was primarily oral, made by criers, the announcing sales of slaves, cattle and other products, emphasizing their virtues. The First step of advertising, which lasted until the Middle Ages, showed its activity service of merchants and traders, who, through cries, noises and gestures, sought to make known to the public their merchandise. The use of symbols, as common today, starts at this period. At that time the houses had no numbers and the streets were not identified. The merchant if compelled, then, to identify your property with a symbol, i.e. a goat symbolized a dairy and a coat of ...
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