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Language is Central to Early Years Education and Learning

Language is Central to Early Years Education and Learning


Communication desires to have influence in order to be noticed and kept by the recipient. Successful communications will occur only if the person communicating has a clear purpose or objective, which can be achieved as a result of the communication. Increased ICT applications have resulted in an increase in communications methods available.

Language is Central to Early Years Education and Learning

Preparation data extraction and cleansing an integrated, structured and accurate set of child's data is the first step on the road to more effective communications. It is furthermore the first location where most of the children stumble.

Most often, the difficulty is not the lack of education; on the contrary, setbacks arise precisely because of the abundance and diversity of information emanating from different aspects.

Data sets may include children profiles, data, direct childhood data and other necessary information — each located in different databases, even different units, and often trapped in mutually incompatible, legacy formats.

CCM tackles this issue by creating a set of “meta-data” — an overarching data layer into which records from a variety of databases and formats can be extracted. The unified data set references child's early life education and learning information throughout the home, school, configuring it in a consistent, centric ladder, thereby enabling, cross-referencing of data to flush out inconsistencies and duplication, Analysis for correct addressing, background and other evaluations of the student.

Communication process

The communication traits and understanding starts from child's home. Parents play vital role in making child understand the language and understanding how to involve in communication process.


It is at the transformation stage that data are formatted for presentation. Information drawn from the aggregated data set is organized in a way where child realizes and understand the cnages occurring around him.

Information is set into a child's development ladder, leveraging the totality of customer information to ensure that messages are presented in the correct context and tailored to elicit the appropriate response. Individualized content can be embedded directly into the message itself — a process called bill boarding. Individualized product offers, for example, can be incorporated into the content of palying and studying in a yound child's mind. Additional levels of personalization are achieved by making children read books based on specific events, from toys to nursey rhymes.

The transformation stage should take into account multiple views on the aggregated childhood information, including those of parents, thus improving child's relationships and maximizing opportunities for them to grow with a positive frame of mind.

Finally, children are tested whther they have learned the trait of understanding languages, optimizing ease of use, regardless of various factors, to improve the speed, quality and rate of response to questions.


Message aggregation and consolidation recent advances enable unprecedented levels of productivity within the child's memory. But as message volume increases, so too does the impact of even the slightest inefficiencies. The full benefit of parental care can therefore only be attained once efficiencies are maximized across all ...
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