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Knowing a Language

Knowing a Language


Language is a process which involves human capacity acquiring and using complicated systems of communication with other people in different societies. The scientific study of any language is called linguistics. Today around 3,000 to 6,000 languages are spoken by the humans all over the world. This language may also include salient languages and natural languages that may require visuals rather than austory stimuli. Codes and other kinds of symbols used in communication and language such as that of computer programs are also considered to be a part of the language. In short, it can be stated that language is a system of encoding and decoding information between two or more persons.

Language is a communication system which is fundamentally different from others and is more complex than that of other species as it is based on the complicated rules which are directly related to the meanings. Many studies have revealed that language was developed hundreds of years ago, when people started cooperating and communicating with each other using expressive signs and other visuals. Much linguistics has observed that the structure of language has evolved to serve many communicative functions. Humans acquire language in the early years of their childhood. Language is further developed in the later stages of life, which is used to communicate with people in the society.


Language is considered to be the most important part of human being. It is essential for a person to learn his own language and other languages as well, as it helps people to learn and explore about other societies, culture. Language is used in every aspect and interaction of our daily life. Language is used by people to express our feelings and emotions, what we desire and to better understand the world around us. With the help of language, individuals can communicate effectively using words, gestures and the tone of voice. Language helps in communication with each other, which helps in forming bond and this separates humans from animals' species.

History of language

The history of human language will remain obscure. Many studies have been conducted regarding the origin of languages since their inception. Today, in the world, there are about more than 4000 language spoken by humans. On the contrary, scholars and researchers group languages in two families. The various languages are interconnected to each other by shared words and other grammatical constructions (Bauer, 2003, pp. 41).

The most significant group of languages is the indo-European which is spoken by half of the nations in the world. The entire group of indo-European language has been descended from the language of tribes which used to roam in the plain of Eastern Europe and western Asia. Around 2000 B.C years ago, the indo European language started to spread through Europe and finally reaching to the Atlantic coasts of the meditterrean.

Another linguistic group which hold great amount of significance in the history of language is the Semitic family of languages. This group of language is also derived from one of the tribal groups in ...
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