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Introduction to Languages - Structure Dependence and Rule Governed

Introduction to Languages - Structure Dependence and Rule Governed


Every human activity is governed by rules and follows a certain structure. Even the natural processes such as the rising of the sun are regulated by a Higher Power. In a similar fashion, human languages are said to be governed by rules. These rules can be stated and spoken, and they can even by unstated and unspoken. The rules are divided into different categories such as semantic, prosodic and phonological (Reali, 2009, p. 45). Hence, not only the way the language is spoken but also the way it is written and interpreted is governed by rules. This is true for all the languages. However, this is a widely argues subject in that some people say that it is impossible for language to be governed by rules structure dependent as usage comes first.

The paper discusses whether language is governed by rules and is dependent on structure with particular reference to English language. English has been chosen for the paper as it is an international language and has been the fasted evolutionary language of the world. Most of what is said about English in terms of rules and structure is also true for the other languages of the world.

Rule Governed

Communication is the most performed activity and one that can make and break us. This is true for both the personal and professional lives of people. What makes a man different from animals is civility. Civilized people also have a certain way of communication. This communication is often rule governed and structure dependent. English is the most used language around the globe as it is an international language. Hence, it has to be structure dependent and rule governed so that people living in various countries across the globe, belonging to different cultures and having different native languages may not have difficulty in learning and using English.

In addition, it is these rules and structure that help people belonging to different culture communicate with one another in one language. If English was not governed by rules and was not dependent on structure then different people will come up with different versions of English (Carkeet, 1976, p. 44). This will ruin the objective behind making English the international language. They will all be using English but they will still not be able to communicate with ...
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