Land Law

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Land Law

[Institute's Name]Land Law

Scenario Analysis

The actual scenario of Charlie's case revolves around the claims that are being made by the respective parties. However, before leaping on to the assessment, it is highly imperative that the context of the case is completely comprehended. The description of the case relates with Land Registration Act 2002, eloquently articulates that Charlie had been the resident of 1 Dairy Terrace in Yorkville, for past approximately three decades. At the outset, the ownership of the house was not relished by Charlie. The initial decade of Charlie's residency in that dwelling pertain to the rental living, as he had rented out that place from his supervisor or boss, who was the owner of a renowned local chocolate manufacturing company, known as, Rownbry Ltd. his rental tenure ended after the first decade, when he consciously made the decision of buying that residence from the original owner, and his boss as it happened in [Ali v. Lane 2006 EWCA Civ 1532].

However, the real issue pertaining to the case does to revolve around his ownership of the dwelling, but the land field that connects the back of his dwelling's garden. The area that joins with the garden is primarily a large grassy field or land. Interestingly, in the first decade of Charlie's residency the area was properly managed, looked after and well maintained by the sources of Rownbry Ltd. However, the condition of that grassy land did not remain that pleasant for the next two decades, when the sources of Rownbry Ltd relinquished from the duties of maintenance of the piece of land. Nonetheless, Charlie's has endeavoured to take care of that land, with respect to his own capabilities and resources (Bagby, 2007, p. 112). So far, Section 1 of the Act believed to have done quite well, considering that not only has he removed the extra grasses on regular basis, but also has beautified it and made it attractive for the neighbourhood by erecting two football goals, and a pleasant place for them to spend their evenings and their weekends, playing football. However, lately he is believed to have gone a little over board and taken a drastic step by requesting the residents of to abstain from walking their dogs on that field, and placing posters requesting the same. Moreover, what baffled everyone was Charlie's move to employ a fence over the perimeters of that land, with only leaving his garden as the sole access to that land.


The general characterisation of Law (which is mainly understood as “Law and Order”, by a naïve mind), obscures the pivotal factors, which significantly impact the common lives of the inhabitants of the society. Therefore, it is highly imperative that the veil from the general comprehension of the term law is separated from the key branches it entails, and amongst the key branches of the law is the Land law, which significantly affect the life of a common man.

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