Lactate Dehydrogenase

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Lactate Dehydrogenase


Lactate Dehydrogenase is an enzyme and a tetrametric protein. This enzyme can be found in distinctive molecular forms in human or animal body. It plays a vital part in various metabolic pathways. Regulation of enzyme at transcriptional level ensures that suitable enzymes are articulated in reaction to transitory extracellular conditions. On the contrary, enzymatic activity is regulated at the enzyme content level through the degradation and synthesis of enzymes as well as at the level of independent enzymatic molecules by low molecular matters (effectors). Lactate Dehydrogenase


Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme which can be found in several varying molecular forms. Although the definite structure of enzyme can vary all distinctive forms of the enzyme catalyse the similar reaction. Lactate Dehydrogenase is one of the most representative isoenzymes. In addition, it is a tetrametric protein. This paper focuses on significant aspects associated with Lactate Dehydrogenase.

Metabolic Pathway & Lactate Dehydrogenase

Lactate dehydrogenase (enzyme) plays a dynamic role in different metabolic pathways. They exist there as “coenzymes” with certain other cluster linked to them having substrate specificity to speed up the specific metabolic reaction. Apart from that different co-factors also play significant part in improving their mechanism of activities. Specific kind of metabolic reaction executed by specific lactate Dehydrogenase such as the digestion of food, in that food is consist of various components e.g. carbohydrates which act upon by lactate Dehydrogenase (enzymes). In addition, lactate Dehydrogenase also plays a vital role in RNA and DNA synthesis.

Gene Ontology Terms

Biological Process

A biological process refers to the series of measures achieved by one or more molecular functions' controlled gatherings. Broad biological process conditions include examples such as “signal transduction” or “cellular physiological process”. It is hard to differentiate between a molecular function and a biological process, but the common rule is that a process should consist of more than 1 different steps. A pathway is not equal to a biological process; presently, Gene Ontology does not try to reflect the dependencies or elements that are necessary to completely explain a pathway.

Cellular Component

A cellular component is basically a component of a cell, but with the proviso that is a piece of some bigger object. This may refer to an anatomical structure, for example, “nucleus” or “rough endoplasmic reticulum”, or a gene product cluster such as a protein dimer or ribosome. The ontology of cellular component defines locations, at the levels of sub-cellular structure and macromolecular complexes. Cellular component includes examples such as “nuclear inner membrane”. In generally, a gene product is situated in a subcomponent of or in a specific cellular component. The ontology of cellular component involves multi-submit enzymes and further protein complexes, but not independent nucleic acids or protein. Moreover, multi-cellular anatomical terms are also not included in cellular component.

Molecular Function

Molecular function defines the activities, for example, binding or catalytic activities, that take place at the molecular level. Gene ontology molecular function terms reflect actions rather than the units (complexes or molecules) which performs the ...
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