Lack Of Educational Exposure For Children In Low- Socioeconomic Communities

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Lack Of Educational Exposure For Children In Low- Socioeconomic Communities


It is clearly evident from the living standards of the people of the developed and underdeveloped countries, that there exists a wide gap in the level of schooling. It is the schooling that grooms up a child and decides his or her fate as an economically successful citizen. Developed countries, where there are well tailored educational programs, produce more successful and economically well citizens than the low socio-economic countries. The main reason behind this wide gap in the levels of education and well being of citizens is the basic schooling of children. The children bought up in societies with low social and economical standards lead a less productive life as adults when they grow up. Similarly, children who are exposed to better educational facilities and activities lead a more productive life and appear to be successful citizens in their respective societies. Such children not only themselves lead a successful life but also promote the social and economic development of their country. They promote the living standard of their society and also contribute towards their country's economy.

As seen in the developed countries of the world, children when exposed to a better quality of education tend to learn faster than the children who are faced with the trouble of a lack of educational exposure. This level of basic schooling also impacts the ability to learn in latter stages of life. This means that the children who get a proper exposure to education and schooling in their early years of education, learn at a faster pace than the children who fail to avail this opportunity. This impacts their motivation level and understanding if they sometime avail the opportunity the go ahead for higher education. This not only impacts themselves but also their families in the future. Thus, it is immensely important to understand the factors behind this problem and address them effectively to bring about a positive change in societies where low social and economical standards prevail. (Hanushek, E. & Wößmann, L.)

Lack of educational exposure: a high leverage problem yielding educational improvement

In economies where flawed social and economical systems prevail, it is education that can serve to uplift the standard of living. in order to bring prosperity in any nation, the first initiative that must be taken is to uplift the standards of education. But the basic problem impeding this is lack of educational exposure. A number of factors that are involved in this but the basic factors that have fueled the issue across many society are the lack of finances, lack of a strong family structure, lack of a family support, absence of facilities to commute, lack of proper transportation, and location of housing, etc.

Families where children are unable to get proper schooling are usually economically less prosperous. Their earnings are, mainly spent on attaining the basic necessities of life such as food, cloths, and shelter. They find it difficult to send their children to private schools, and usually either choose not ...
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