Lacey And Danziger's The Year 1000

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Lacey and Danziger's The Year 1000

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Lacey and Danziger's The Year 1000


In the book, the year 1000, the world is shown as filled with magicians, mysteries, monks and warriors. There were people who had no information of the time, they were living in, and they feared things such as an apocalypse. The world filled with adventures of Vikings and dark forests in which people feared and death accompanied many myths. There were foolish myths regarding God, creation and death. People with buried with food supply that they would accompany in their journey towards hell or heaven. The book presents the recreation of life of year 1000 AD, and it is narrated through a succession of seasons.

Summary of the Book

If one meets a person who lived in 1000 AD, the first one might be surprised would be the height of the person. Though it is perceived that we are taller than our ancestor, however, the book asserts that people at that time were as taller as we are. It is believed that people of that time were weak due to malnutrition. Consequently, according to the research of sample taken from the bones of buried people in England illustrates that people of that time were very healthy and strong. The diet of Anglo-Saxons, who lived resided in the greater part of the UK, was simple and wholesome. They had very strong teeth and stalwart limbs. The problem of overcrowding began in the following centuries, which primarily affected the Western Europeans. The body sample extracted in the following century was more skinny and proofed that people were unhealthy.

Life of ancient people was quite simple. Their wearing was simple, leggings with sack like tunics, with muddy colors. The chemical dyes were not available at that time, but, natural colors extracted from vegetation ...