Lacans Schema L

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Lacans Schema L

Lacans Schema L


The term schema is an umbrella category referring to generic knowledge structures of many types. Scripts are a specific type of schematic knowledge structure that reflects understanding of a temporal, repeated event, such as going to a restaurant or attending school. Stereotypes are another specific type of schema that refers to types and characteristics of people. Children have been found to have scripts and stereotypes at relatively young ages. 


Dor describes with clarity the dynamics and the nature of perversions and the perverse structure, their origins, and their clinical manifestations. A very helpful chapter on the differential diagnosis of perverse, hysterical and obsessional structres is also included.

Dor also discusses the hysteric structure (for both male and female patients) and presents a view which is not often seen in Anglo-american psychoanalytic theory, the hyteric having seemed to have gone the way of the Dodo as far as diagnosis is currently concerned.(Joel, 1998)

This study investigates pausing strategies, focusing attention on empty and full speech pauses. A cross-modal analysis (video and audio) of spontaneous narratives produced by male and female children and adults showed that a remarkable amount of empty speech pauses (91% in male and 84% in female children, and 95% in adults of both sexes) was related to the amount of added information conveyed in the speech flow. Both adults and children consistently exploited pausing strategies to signal discourse boundaries such as clauses (marked by empty speech pauses for 73% and 70% of cases in male and female children, respectively, and 56% in adults) and paragraphs (97% and 96% in male and female children, respectively, and 94% in adults). The high consistency, among subjects, in the distribution of speech pauses suggests that, at least in the Italian context, the speaker in narration makes use of ...
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