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Labor Unions

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Labor Unions

Labor Unions


Labor union or interest groups are the representative organizations, of certain individuals and private entitles who have the same interest. In the paper below, labor union and interest groups are highlighted with their brief history and responsibilities, and in what ways does, interest groups influence legislative matters and what relations they have with political parties.


Labor Union

The labor union or also called the trade union organization is representative of the interests of workers in various social organizations, trade unions is a special social organization by the workers. The trade union movements involving all aspects of economic life and social life of the workers have a significant impact, especially in the formation and changes in labor relations. The existence of trade unions and workers as representatives of a party to the conflict in labor relations and labor issues with employers to negotiate, such as wages, labor hours, labor and treatment of safeguarding workers' interests and activities. As a representative of the workers' groups, trade unions become an important part of the market economy, labor relations, the labor representatives of the owners. Degree of union organization and the status and role play, reflecting the degree of maturity of the workers' groups, to determine whether the interests of workers in labor relations can be protected.

The goal of Labor unions

The labor unions share a common goal:

1. Ensure that does not change, and possible conditions to improve the standard of living and economic status of its members;

2. The authority to exert influence, for the realization of trade union interests and objectives;

3. To improve the welfare of all people working for a living, whether he is not a trade unionist;

4. Establish a policy to prevent an employer using the capricious tyranny of mechanisms to the promotion of workplace;

5. Against market fluctuations, changes in technology or the employers' decision-making led to threats or accidents, improve and, as far as possible to ensure the level of personal security.


Originally appeared in Western countries, the labor union, is the product of the production and the objective situation and the collective needs of workers. Before the labor union, each labor signed a separate labor contract, with the manager. Even in a medium sized enterprise, the corporate managers in the organization and distribution of labor tasks can not be carried out in isolation, each item of work to some extent interrelated. A particular labor, can not work on their own with certain employment conditions, even though business managers successfully conducted separate negotiations, such negotiations can not be wrong as other people working with employment conditions to a greater or lesser extent the same. This means that, the individual negotiations can not necessarily be effective, even if effective, tend to be disruptive, even destructive. In this case, when some workers feel that their own labor contracts need to be modified, they tend to seek prevailing working conditions; these prevailing working conditions achieved only by relying on the strength of the collective of workers, through labor common employer pressure. In order to carry out collective action, and ...
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