According to the relationship officer, a successful labor relationship can be build only if the officer has quality communication skills along with the listening skills. Labor union considers and looks for these things in an officer and supposed to be non-discriminatory and empathetic to all parties. The essential duties of the officer reflect to protect the6 interest of the labors and build a strong relationship with them. Solving their problems through proper procedure and communicate with the upper management in order to satisfy them. Collective agreement is concern with giving attention on circumstances of employees, and set the approved regulation within the workplace. However, the uplift and moral theory that reduce the probability of rising issues that affect the productivity of the company and their direct challenges which occur because of globalization and economic instability that might influence the job security.
According to the executives committee which considers that since they are contributing to the funds, they are benefit with the right to raise their voice for the protection of their funds and enjoy tax reduction. The process which they choose, to communicate with the higher management is through negotiation. Failing of the negotiation can be very expensive for the company. Their powerful weapon consists of discontinue the entire production and leave on strike. The approach is the collective bargaining, fighting for higher wages and improved benefits and safer working atmosphere.
The term Labor relation is the practice of maintaining and supervision the situation of unionized employment. It is the sub part of the human resource management and gives consideration of dealing between management and workers regarding the condition of employment. In conjunction with the employer relation, it also comprises the exaggeration the employee sector faces due to the decreasing economy and globalization. However, role of labor relation has been considered for exploring the edge between the workforce and the world at leisure. This role endeavor to diminish negative impact on the employees through recognizing potential disaster and applying certain techniques to control damages occurring from decreasing economy.
After conducting the interview with the labor relationship officer, I came across the basic function of the labor relationship officer along with the challenges they face in their daily life and the issues labor are facing within the organization and the reason for occurrence of issues.
With the establishment, of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 gave enormous support to the labor relation in United State. This Act supported the rights of labors that also consist right of the strike, right of union bargain and protest right; hence for the higher management to take action on fulfilling their needs. Moreover, a program called an industrial labor relations program which was implemented by the labor relationship manager and their staff to speak for their rights. When collective-bargaining agreement is in negotiation with the upper management, labor relationship manager prepare information that used, in the negotiation, this negotiation involves the awareness of data regarding economic and relating to the wages of the ...