Labor Education And Employee Development

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Labor education and employee development


Organizations that are business oriented value their human resource. It is because of the way how these organizations make use of their human resource, they manage to make profits and generate revenues. Moreover, in today's ever competitive world, where businesses compete to survive and outdo one another, human resource can help in gaining edge in the market. Organizations in the modern world of business are now focusing more on training and human development so that no talent is left wasted, and no skills go unused. Organizations now tend to become learning organizations. They want to consistently learn whatever they can and quickly induce it in their employees and their products, for that matter. It's the learning organizations that make it to the top of the ladder. Organizations spend a lot training their employees, knowing that it is going to do good to the company and to the employees.

According to various studies education is a significant factor in determining and explaining income disparities, (Zhao, 1997). Human resource development comprises of improving performance of the individuals who are currently working on their position. It also focuses on preparing the individuals identify jobs within their organization. Through education, organizations tend to develop their employees, (Nadler, 1970). Organizations want their employees to use their potential to the fullest and explore their skills. Training is done to ensure that the employees develop their skills. With the development of their skills, employees can come up with new and better ideas of doing work. They can come up with innovative ideas and can use their improved skills set to deal daily business situations.

There are works done in regard to professionally developing the human resource through learning. The key to effective learning at a workplace is constant learning through the work itself, (Billett, 2001). In our discussion, we will be focusing on the labor education and development and see if it empowers the workers.


Workplace learning consists of various activities that involve self directive, informal or formal learning activities. Workplace learning draws upon management and learning theory for the adults. In organizations that claim to be formal, work expands beyond the boundaries of the work which is paid for. It is important to understand the link between learning and work. The origins of many modern concepts of today's management can be traced back to the ancient times. A study of five thousand years old Sumerian documents reveal that managerial control existed back then, too. The immense importance of management for understanding the dynamics of organizations have been paid a great deal of attention by the foregone greats of sociology.

Scrutinizing the historical issues and context of the theories pertaining to management, helps in understanding the major economic and political factors that shaped up an entire organization by effecting the ways they practiced management. Human resource management, over the recent years has become more interested in providing for its employees. It is now more concerned with the ideas of developing their employees, given the financial ...
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