Labor Act

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Labor Act

Labor Act


Labor laws are also referred as the employment law. These laws reconcile the relationship between government, trade unions, employers and workers. All the laws of labor interrelate with the tripartite relationship between union, employer and employee. In addition to this, these labor laws emphasizes on the rights of labors at their work place. History of labor laws demonstrates that, the revolution of these laws was started in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. (Obrien, 1998) These labor laws played a vital role in the progress and development of labors and offered them appropriate opportunities to perform their routine tasks in a more convenient and lawful way. The proceeding discussion incorporates all the labor laws. These laws may include the “railway labor act”, “the Norris-La Guardia act”, “the Wagner act”, “the Taft-Hartley act” and “the Landrum-Griffin act”. The proceeding paper also incorporates the significance of these laws in organizations and in the management-union relationship.


The Railway Labor Act

The Railway Labor Act is considered as the U.S. federal law that rules the relations of labor in the airline and railroad industries. The Railway Labor Act was passed in the year 1926. The law was altered in the year 1934 and 1936. The amendments were made in order to replace bargaining, negotiation and arbitration for strikes. This may help the government in resolving and minimizing the disputes of labors (Beik, 2005).

The (RLA) Railway Labor Act is considered as the most significant section of labor legislation and the most vital and important step from the side of Federal government, in order to regulate and promote collective bargaining. The researches and case studies show that, the RLA (Railway Labor Act) was a result of several years of hard work. This act truly minimized and reduced the unrest and instability of the labors. The Railway Labor Act motivated the collective haggling and restricted employers from interrupting in the selection of workers and their representatives (Obrien, 1998).

Importance of the Railway Labor Act

The Railway labor Act played a vital role in the betterment and development of labors. This law provided protection to the employees and well as to the employers. This law also brought economic stability with in the country. It is because of the reason that, this law protects the rights of the workers or labors. This phenomenon may lead the country as well as any individual organization to ultimate economic stability (Goldman & Corrada, 2011).

The Norris-La Guardia Act

The Norris-La Guardia Act is also called “Anti-injunction Bill”. The Norris-La Guardia Act was passed in the year 1932 by the U.S. federal government. This law banned the courts, specially “the federal courts”, to issue the injunctions against peaceful labor disputes. This law also brought an optimistic right of non-interrupting by the owners against labor who were entering in the trade unions (Sims, 2002).

The Norris-LaGuardia Act banned the contract of yellow-dog. In addition to this, the Norris-LaGuardia also banned the utilization of court injunctions in the disputes of labors against boycotts, picketing and ...
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