L. R. T.-Education

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L. R. T.-Education

L. R. T.-Education



A. I've got three brothers and a sister. (Elementary)

B. We have to wear a suit to work. (Pre-intermediate)

C. By this time next year I'll have worked here for ten years (Upper Intermediate)

State what you see as the meaning of this structure as used in this example.

A. It shows that the person has four siblings that include one sister and three brothers. Has shows that the person has four sigbilings, excluding him.

B. The sentence shows that people, employees have to wear formal suit at office. Have is not used as a helping veb. It shows that wearing suit is mandatory.

C. In the sentence, the person is trying to tell that in the next year and at the same time (same date and month); he will complete his 10 years of service for his current company. It also shows his loyalty to the organization.

Is there an accepted name for this structure? If so, state the term. What are the key features of the form of this structure?

Compound Sentence

This is a compound sentence. Dependenet clauses is “I”. Apart from this, the sentence is separated with “and” to show that the subject has three brother and one sister.

B. Simple Sentence

This sentence has single independent clause “we”, with no dependent clause.

Complex Sentence

In this sentence, the independent clause “I” is dependent on future. Moreover, there are two dependenet clauses “10 years” and “next year”.

In natural pronunciation, what are the key features of pronunciation that students at this level would need to be aware of?

Students, who face problems with the storage of information about pronunciation in formats, also face problems in recalling information is the same format. For instance, a student may be good at remembering the names of every state and their capitals; however, that the student may not be able to remember the exact location of these places on a map because of the information in a visual-spatial format. Therefore, certain steps are needed to make children's learn about pronunciation.

When teachers teach English language to students, they should share the equivalent L1 because students mostly identify L1 in a wrong way with its sound with the nearest phonetic rendering of an L2 sound. During the lesson, teachers must try to teach the grammatical, lexical or content objectives that are given less importance, which must be remembered by teachers.

Apart from this, the pronunciation and spellings for different “accents” are different. Therefore, teachers must teach how to differentiate pronunciation in different accents. For instance that pronunciation for “women” is “wemen”.

What problems relating to the meaning, form and pronunciation would you anticipate students might have with this structure?

A. Students may understand this structure as that the person now has siblings, rather than before. Also, they may get confuse with the auxiliary verb.

B. Students may get confuse with such sentence structure because they may mix the the tense of the sentence with present prefect tense.”Have” is not used as a helping ...
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