Kung Shoes: Branding, Pricing And Distribution

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Kung Shoes: Branding, Pricing and Distribution

Kung Shoes: Branding, Pricing and Distribution

Product Branding Strategy

Local and Global; Glocal

Moving in alignment with the objectives of Kung Shoes; company located in China aiming to emerge as a global brand within one year of their operations, the product branding strategy that the company will focus upon is imperative to be neither local nor global; rather it will be the combination of the two, that is Glocal. The global marketing framework will hence be decided in alignment with the glocal product branding strategy. Glocal product branding strategy will primarily be consistent with the uniform communications and customized product. Glocal strategy either calls for the use of uniform message or customized message when deciding on the communication strategy (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2009, pp. 472), however going by the type of product Kung Shoes is offering and considering that Kung Shoes is a relatively new company that is just opening up, it would be beneficial to use Glocal strategy, comprising of uniform message and customized product for the product branding strategy.

Uniform Message

Uniform message is beneficial for Kung Shoes considering that it is in the first year of its operations and thus is bound to be short on funds and resources, as a result of which it would be appropriate to make as much savings through the development and implementation of cost effective strategies as possible. Uniform communication strategy would prove to be cost effective particularly for Kung Shoes whose product line consists of Shoes. Renowned athletes could be used to market stuff as jogger, whilst international actors and child stars could be signed to advertise other shoes. Although, it would require significant investment, it is favorable approach for celebrity endorsement emanates credibility and trust in a brand thereby ensuing sales while also being cost effective, as this marking and communication strategy could be utilized globally since successful international stars are idolized and respected beyond their geographical boundaries. Thus, if they will appear in a well-executed marketing and communications strategy, it will not only increase sales of Kung Shoes but will also strengthen the position of their brand in the market through having the goodwill of respectable international stars attached with their brand name. However, with the passage of time, Kung Shoes could opt to explore the market with the use of customized messages and marketing strategies as it could always add up to the market share through reaching increased number of individuals and appealing to their taste.

Customized Product

Customized product is another major element that characterizes glocal product branding strategy (Luigi and Simona, 2010, pp. 149). Although the message would be initially uniform, the products are required to be customized so as to appeal to the local taste and culture of the people. A product is imperative to relate to their potential target market on physical level as well to induce attachment that makes them buy any particular product. For this purpose, Kung Shoes would adopt the strategy of mass customization; where it will provide the consumers ...