Korean War

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Korean War

Korean War


Thesis Statement and Framework

The aim of this paper is to analyze the Korean War, highlighting the direct and indirect players that played a key role in the escalation and de-escalation of this conflict. This research would try to evaluate the underlying issues of the discussed conflict, with respect to each of its players. The lifecycle of this conflict would be further analyzed with the idea to evaluate several seen and unforeseen repercussions that generated due to this conflict, and still persist to the present day. Frameworks such as Gatlung's models of conflict, violence and peace; Uppsala conflict data research and our coursework book which includes contemporary conflict resolution works by Oliver Ramsbotham would serve as foundations, to shed light on the Korean War.


Analyzing the conflict

The Korean War conflict was between the Republic of Korean and Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The attrition began as a direct consequence of the division of Korea. This was a politically influenced division. The accord struck by the triumphant Allies at the termination of the Pacific War at the end of World War II . Previously, the Korean Peninsula was administered by the Japanese Empire, since 1910 until the conclusion of World War II in September 1945. Following the atrocious war, Allies, primarily the American overseers brought into plan the division of the peninsula along the 38th parallel. The split brought about a formation of two states, one (southern division) under the control of U.S. military forces whereas the northern half of the peninsula was administered and controlled by the Soviet military forces.

Free and fair elections were not arduously held in the Korean Peninsula in 1948, resulting in a deepened sense of division between the two sides. Based on this, the North aligned themselves with an establishment of a communist government. The southern hemisphere instituted the charters of democracy and formalized a capitalistic structural set-up, as a political method of governance. The 38th parallel terribly engaged itself as a political border betwixt the two Korean divisions. Steps for reunification persisted following months of war, but geo-political tensions were alarmingly high and ever increasing. This disenchantment was directly consequential in a multitude of cross-border engagements along the border. This persistent state of affairs proliferated into open warfare. The North Korean division attacked South Korea on 25th June 1950. This invasion is identified as the first momentous armed conflict of the Cold War.

Direct and Indirect Players and their underlying issues of conflict

Soviet Union (Indirect Player)

Following the events of the conflict and of indirect consequences of what proceeded in the meetings of the United Nations Security Council, which the Soviet Union boycotted, further disenchantment grew. The boycott was on the basis of Republic of China being represented in these council meetings by the Kuomintang, which had taken sanctuary in Taiwan; the outcome of a trouncing in the Chinese civil war. Soviet Union clearly did not support this because of their influence in mainland China. The Soviets could have vetoed the Chinese representation but did ...
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